Knjaževac - Little Venice in eastern Serbia.

The Archeological Ethno Park in the village of Ravna is located eight kilometers north of Knjaževac and is an unusual destination for lovers of customs, traditions and cultural heritage, which takes us back two hundred years to the life of the village from the late 19th and early 20th century .

Eight kilometers from Knjaževac, in the village of Ravna, on the coast of Beli Timok, the Romans built a military fortification, the oldest in the Timok area. They had their own camp, granary, thermal baths. Thanks to the Archaeological Institute from Belgrade and the Town Museum from Knjaževac, the real picture of this site began to be discovered only in 1975 .

The fortification dates from the first century AD and existed until Justinian’s restoration of the empire in the sixth century. Archaeologists have discovered that the earliest and most significant traces of the presence of the Romans in this area are in Ravna. Roman tombstones with Timacum minus belong to the period from the first to the third century. The objects found on Timacum minus are kept in the archeological collection of the Homeland Museum.

Thymacum minus
Thymacum minus