Crni Vrh
In the village of Crni Vrh there is a rural tourist household Jelenković Mićuna. The household is only a few ...

Crni Vrh
“Log Cabin Stanković” Vladice is located in the village of Crni Vrh, 3 km from the Konjarnik ski slope. The ...

Crni Vrh
Apartments “Blue Lagoon”
New, fully equipped apartments are located in the village of Crni Vrh on Stara Planina. They are only 5km from ...

Crni Vrh
In the village of Crni Vrh, not far from the ski resort and next to the road leading to Stara ...

Crni Vrh
Apartment “PUSTOLOV”
At the foot of Stara Planina, in the center of the village Crn Vrh, there is an apartment “Pustolov”. The ...

Crni Vrh
In the village of Crni Vrh, near the ski slopes, there is a Triton facility. Each unit has a fully ...

Crni Vrh
STD “Villa Nada”
Rural tourist household Pavlović Miloša is located in the village of Crni Vrh just a few kilometers from the Konjarnik ...