Knjaževac - Little Venice in eastern Serbia.

Suitcase of dreams – International Festival of Tourist Publications

October 12, 2019

The tourist organization of the municipality of Knjaževac is also participating in the International Festival of Tourist Publications “Kofer-slova” this year. The “Kofer-slova” festival is a unique manifestation in Serbia organized by the Tourist Organization of the town of Kruševac. It brings together all the tourism organizations from the country and the region, which exhibit their publications and compete for awards in nine categories.

This Festival shows the value of the existence of tourist organizations and their constant efforts, because it is not easy to design a tourist offer and pack it all into a few pages, and then wait for the effect of your work.

The event is a place where ideas are exchanged, tourism potentials are presented and established designers, photographers and authors of publications are presented, and cities and municipalities are presented in a creative way. The festival represents a significant manifestation for the affirmation and work of tourist organizations.