In the period from 21. July to 23. The traditional 21st Century Cadillac is being held in The Hague on 21 July. in the order “Sabor na Kadibogaz”.
For many years this event has been organized between the village of Novo Korito-municipality of Knjazevac on the Serbian side and the village of Salaš-municipality belogradchik on the Bulgarian side.
The Parliament promotes and presents the economic, cultural and tourist offer of municipalities on both sides of the border.
The temporary border crossing of Kadibogaz is open:
July 21 from 12:00 to 22:00
22 July from 09:00 to 23:00
July 23 from 09:00 to 22:00
The opening ceremony of the temporary crossing (ribbon cutting) is scheduled for 22 June. July starts at 09:00.
The opening ceremony of the event “Sabor na Kadibogaz” (cultural and artistic programme), on stage, will be held on 22 May. July at 12:00.
On July 22, starting at 19:00, a concert of The Bulgarian pop star Reni will be held.